Pagan prayer rug

Pagan prayer rug Hand knotted woollen rug, 220 x 150 cm (Manufactured by Bespoke Rugs, design and specifications by Belinda Allen) 

Pagan prayer rug
Hand knotted woollen rug, 220 x 150 cm
(Manufactured by Bespoke Rugs, design and specifications by Belinda Allen)

This is a plan I have had for years – to have one of my tree mandalas made into a bespoke rug. It is not an inexpensive exercise, but finally, after much to-ing and fro-ing regarding design and colours, I ordered my rug to be made. Five months later here it is – in hand knotted NZ wool. The result somewhat surprised me – it has lost some fine detail, and the colours overall slightly lighter than I anticipated, but most of all – it looks handmade. I love that from a perfectly symmetrical digital image, the effects of human interpretation and fabrication have emerged. It is luxuriously soft and comfortable to lie on, and, as it is in our bedroom, it is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night.
I have dubbed it my Pagan prayer rug, and some rules on how to use the rug are emerging:

Instructions for use:

  1. Take off shoes, stand on rug.
  2. Dance on rug.
  3. Take off clothes, lie on rug.
  4. Make love on rug.

Preferably locate the rug in a natural environment: garden or forest.

OK, I haven’t done #4 yet.