Gunyah mandalas


In 2006 I experimented with video using the technique I had already been using to create photographic nature mandalas. Gunyah mandalas videos were shot down at my local beach, and composed in Adobe After Effects. I expect that it’s all much easier now in iMovie etc 😉

This set was exhibited in the Blake Prize in 2006. After all this time I’ve finally put these online, in anticipation of having creative time over this summer to revisit video play 🙂

Sacred sites … volume 2

Sacred sites: Exploration - cover

Here’s the next in a set of portfolios of my photographic work produced over the last ten years. This one, Sacred sites: Exploration, has images composed from photos taken in exploring the Australian outback and bush over the last few years, combined with some song lyrics that have been inspired by my travels. Readings of the history of the settlement and exploration of Australia have influenced these works – this is further explored in my next portfolio, Wounded Country – stay tuned 🙂

All the portfolios can be purchased directly from Momento Shop (search for Belinda Allen).

Sacred sites … the book

sacred sites cover_smI have been wanting to try out photobooks for a while, but having looked at a few sites I didn’t like how clunky and inflexible the layout software seemed to be, and was concerned about the  production quality. Then I found Momento Pro, which is a service for professional photographers and artists. I can use professional layout software (Adobe InDesign); the prices are higher, but the quality is amazing.  So I have started to compile a set of portfolios of my photographic work produced over the last ten years. This one, Sacred sites: Royal National Park, has images composed from photos taken in the national park where I have lived for the last 23 years.

Check out a preview here where it can be purchased directly from Momento Shop 🙂

Tasmania sacred & profane

Although we visited Tasmania late in 2011, such is life that I have only recently been exploring the photographs taken there. It was a tantalising glimpse of an island with inspiring, changeable and atmospheric landscapes, as well as a brutal history.  As a site for both the sacred and profane, it is well represented by the MONA collection of David Walsh. Here are some mandalas from this first visit, I hope to return later and spend longer.

Mandala – Cradle Mountain

“Too much ask …”

Murray mandalas I/2
If you are in Sydney in January, please check out my upcoming exhibition:
“Too much ask …” Murray River 2010

Photomedia works by Belinda Allen
Opening drinks Saturday January 22, 2-4pm
Exhibition dates 21 January – 2 February 2011

Hazelhurst Community Gallery
782 Kingsway, Gymea. Ph 8536 5700

For more, download the artist statement, go to the “Too much ask …” slideshow or the gallery photoset.